About US

Welcome to Subway Menu Canada. We provide you with an updated menu of Subway in Canada, their prices, ingredients, and nutritional report. We’ve organized the menu, including sandwiches, rice bowls, wraps, sides, and drinks for easy navigation.

Our Mission

Our Mission is to provide easy access to all details about Subway Menu Canada. We know it is a lot of hustle to know all the details about the menu. That’s why we gathered all the information about the menu on one platform.

Nutrition Information

We get all the nutrition from the official Subway. We provide it for our health and diet-conscious readers.  

Who we are?

We are a group of foodies that appreciate Subway just as much as you do. Our Mission is to provide concise information about your favourite menu item.

If you have any questions or suggestions and want to talk, feel free to mail us at subwaycamenu@gmail.com. We enjoy to speak with you.

Thanks for supporting us; we are not the official partners of Subway Canada. Let’s explore the flavours of Subway Canada together!

Healthy eating

The team subwaymenucanada.com